Formatting Dates#

To format dates you can use the format_datetime(), format_date(), format_time() and format_timedelta() functions. They all accept a datetime.datetime (or, datetime.time and datetime.timedelta) object as first parameter and then optionally a format string. The application should use naive datetime objects internally that use UTC as timezone. On formatting it will automatically convert into the user’s timezone in case it differs from UTC.

Here some examples:

Basic examples#
from datetime import datetime
from quart import quart
from quart_babel import Babel, refresh, format_datetime

app = Quart(__name__)

async def index():
    date_1 = format_datetime(datetime(1987, 3, 5, 17, 12))
    # date_1 = 'Mar 5, 1987 5:12:00 PM'

    date_2 = format_datetime(datetime(1987, 3, 5, 17, 12), 'full')
    # date_2 = 'Thursday, March 5, 1987 5:12:00 PM World (GMT) Time'

    date_3 = format_datetime(datetime(1987, 3, 5, 17, 12), 'short')
    # date_3 = '3/5/87 5:12 PM'

    date_4 = format_datetime(datetime(1987, 3, 5, 17, 12), 'dd mm yyy')
    # date_4 = '05 12 1987'

    date_5 = format_datetime(datetime(1987, 3, 5, 17, 12), 'dd mm yyyy')
    # date_5 = '05 12 1987'

    # .... Additional route code here, such as return.
Again with a different language#
# Assume same app as the basic example.

async def de_lang():
    app.config['BABEL_DEFAULT_LOCALE'] = 'de'

    # refresh babel

    date = format_datetime(datetime(1987, 3, 5, 17, 12), 'EEEE, d. MMMM yyyy H:mm')
    # date = 'Donnerstag, 5. M\xe4rz 1987 17:12'

    # .... Additional route code here, such as return.

For more format examples head over to the babel documentation.